Atlas Material Testing Technology



Understanding the impact of primary weather factors on ageing of products and materials


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Primary weather factors are responsible for most of the damage done to any material or product exposed outdoors. Sunlight, heat, and water are acting together synergistically, causing microscopic ageing, visible degradation, and product failure. Solar radiation includes UV, visible and IR parts, each impacting materials surfaces. High temperature drives degradation, temperature cycling adds mechanical stress which may form cracks. Finally, gaseous (humidity) and liquid water can have synergistic effects on weather ageing.


In this 7-page Technical Guide you learn about:

  • How solar radiation incl. UV acts on materials
  • How the level of UV and radiant exposure changes with climatic effects
  • Impact of high, low, and cyclic temperature
  • Effects of air humidity and rain
  • Secondary effects and synergy between weather factors