Atlas Material Testing Technology



Atlas Online Academy - Fundamentals of Weathering - Part 4 of 6 

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Sunlight, heat, and moisture act synergistically on materials, resulting in microscopic aging, visible degradation, and ultimately product failure. Laboratory weathering instruments simulate and control these primary weather factors in the "worst case". Outdoor weathering exposures serve to determine acceleration and correlation.

There are several hundred different test methods, standards, and specifications for laboratory and outdoor weathering. Finding a way through this jungle is not easy.

Understanding the content, intent, scope, and implementation of the basic international weathering test standards is crucial to avoid errors and product failure.

This Online Seminar is the fourth of a 6-part series on Fundamentals of Weathering:

4) Test Methods & Basic Standards

  • Basic standards
  • Application and material standards
  • Environmental conditions
  • Reference materials
  • Examples

The other 5 parts are:

1) Factors of Weathering

2) Outdoor Weathering

3) Laboratory Weathering

5) Acceleration

6) Correlation