Atlas Material Testing Technology



Atlas Online Academy - Fundamentals of Weathering - Part 5 of 6 

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Sunlight, heat, and moisture act synergistically on materials, resulting in microscopic aging, visible degradation, and ultimately product failure. Laboratory weathering instruments simulate and control these primary weather factors in the "worst case".

A key question is: "How fast is my laboratory test compared to the end-use environment?" The answer is the "Acceleration Factor", which compares two given test environments, e.g. an accelerated laboratory test and a specific outdoor exposure location. 

To implement the most efficient and effective testing strategy, it is critical to understand the options, limitations, and pitfalls of accelerating weather aging processes.

This Online Seminar is the fifth of a 6-part series on Fundamentals of Weathering:

5) Acceleration

  • Acceleration factors
  • Time compression
  • Intensification
  • High energy radiation (UVB)
  • Increased irradiance
  • Increased temperature
  • Case studies

The other 5 parts are:

1) Factors of Weathering

2) Outdoor Weathering

3) Laboratory Weathering

4) Test Methods & Basic Standards

6) Correlation